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See example usages of the CLI for personal environment management.
coder envs ls
Name ImageTag CPUCores MemoryGB DiskGB GPUs Updating Status
cdev latest 8 12 96 0 false ON
site ubuntu 1 1 10 0 false ON
dev latest 8 16 64 0 false OFF
denv latest 8 16 80 0 false OFF
coder envs rebuild my-env --follow
Rebuild environment "my-env"? (will destroy any work outside of /home): y█
✅ -- 2020-12-20T02:43:44Z Deleting old environment
✅ -- 2020-12-20T02:43:44Z Deleting old network isolation policy
✅ -- 2020-12-20T02:43:44Z Deleting old service
coder envs ls -o json | jq -r .[].name | xargs coder envs stop
success: successfully stopped environment "site"
For a full list of the Coder CLI commands available, see the reference pages.
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